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Post-Apartheid Youth

Twenty-one years after the beginning of multiracial democracy in South Africa, the Born Frees—the first generation of the so-called rainbow nation—have come of age. While they have inherited a free country from parents who fought long and hard against apartheid, theirs is not a story purely of triumph. As Lisa Nene, a housing rights activist […]

Life Along the Elevated

On assignment for the Design Trust of Public Space. Krisanne spent a year exploring and documenting how NYC’s massive transit system and the millions of square feet of public space below it influence life in the city. The resulting photographs featured in this book draw a captivating journey through the city – along the 2 […]

I Love You Real Fast

Coming of age for Swazi girls is tough. A tiny African nation of one million, Swaziland is ruled by one of the world’s last remaining absolute monarchies. Its age-old tradition of polygamy and its relaxed attitude toward sexuality have met in a devastating combination for young women: Swaziland reports the highest percentage of HIV positive […]

Old German Baptists

Today, the largest concentration of Old German Baptists live in the Ohio flatlands. Founded by Andrew Mack in 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany, this religious sect emigrated to the United States in 1723 after facing persecution in Germany. The Old German Baptists favor a strict interpretation of the Bible, shunning modern adornments such as cars and […]

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