In Brussels, the Eyes Wild Open exhibition has united a group of authors who – each on their own time, and in their own way – have rewritten photography. From William Klein to Alisa Resnik, from Antoine d’Agata to the artists of the Japanese magazine Provoke, this family of photographer cultivates the art of disruption.
Swedish photographers (Christer Strömholm, Anders Petersen et JH Engström) confirm their resemblance and echo the Japanese artists (Daido Moriyama, Takuma Nakahira et Miyako Ishiuchi). A choir then starts singing, traveling to Portugal (Paolo Nozolino), France (Antoine d’Agata, Dolorès Marat, Klavdij Sluban, Gilles Roudière ou Gabrielle Duplantier, entre autres), South Korea (Jehsong Baak), Israel (Michael Ackerman), Russia (Alisa Resnik), the Netherlands (Ed van der Elsken), Turkey (Yusuf Sevinçli), Finland(Arja Hyytiäinen), Belgium (Sébastien Van Malleghem) or India (Sohrab Hura), not forgetting Switzerland (Robert Frank) nor the United States (William Klein)… A conversation going over several generations of photographers, whose singular creativity fed one another.
The exhibition will open on february 22th at Le Botanique Museum and will be on display until April 22nd, 2018.